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Navigating Media Center Databases and Books: Lesson Options for Teachers

A lesson with information and tips about how to navigate databases, ebooks, and print books from the SHS Media Center.

Teacher Information

For Teachers:

There are many available lesson options for teachers who would like this content in their classroom.


Teachers can choose:

  • Do you want the lesson to cover the two types of databases, ebooks, and print books?
  • Would you prefer we only cover 1 or two of these types?

Lesson Length Layout:

  • This can be a quick mini-lesson that may last up to half a period
  • It can be a lesson that lasts an entire period with an interactive activity
  • We can focus on multiple mini-lessons (about 15 minutes) over the course of multiple days

Ms. Bredberg is also available to work with students throughout the project, by rotating among them in the media center and checking in throughout the research. She can also schedule times to meet with students individually or with small groups to offer support and guidance through research conferences.